Friday, May 1, 2009

Recreational activity!

Last Saturday we had the opportunity to see Storyhill in concert in Zumbrota (a little town about 25 miles from Rochester). It was a great concert. We were in the second row. Unfortunately we forgot our camera, so we didn't get any actual pictures. I stole this one from the world wide web. The guys are originally from Montana and have a bunch of references to Montana stuff in their music. It made me miss Montana when I listened. They have ties to the area (John, the guy on the left in the picture, went to college out here), so we should get a chance to listen again in the future. Things are going well otherwise. Stacy starts a busier rotation on Saturday in the MICU (medical ICU). I get to work in the emergency department again. Dad comes to visit next weekend. I will try to update after his visit and all the exciting things we will get to do (the plan is to put a new back door on the house...I bet you can't wait for some pictures of that).


Brady Andrew Weedin said...

LOVE Storyhill!! Have a great time with your Dad & glad you guys are doing well~Al

Anna said...

LOVE, LOVE STORYHILL!!!! I was just listening to the a couple of weekends ago! FUN! Looking forward to hearing stories of your dad's visit! ENJOY the time together! Love you!

D-Lo said...

Hooray for Storyhill! I believe that both Chris and Johnny are both St. Olaf Olies.