Monday, November 10, 2008

The Emma Story

Kon asked me to share the story of how Emma became a part of our family. Really, I should wait a few days as he just posted a new blog entry yesterday, but here it is ...

On the first full day that Fred was in town, Fred and I took a walk on the trail behind our house. On our walk, we met Emma, who was being walked by a volunteer from the shelter. We stopped to pet Emma, and the volunteer told me all about how I could become a volunteer too (I thought that would be the perfect way to spend time with dogs without actually taking one home). Emma was super friendly and so excited to have us pet her that Fred and I walked to the shelter and picked up the volunteer paperwork. Over the course of the day, I kept thinking about Emma and then looked her up on the shelter website and found out she was a Cockapoo (a breed that is supposed to shed less and be hypoallergenic). I was sold. I begged Kon to go to the shelter with me that afternoon, but first we all had to go to the hardware store. I typically hate going to the hardware store, but tagged along, in hopes that afterward we could go see Emma! Well, by the time we made it the shelter, I was told that there were already two families who had filled out paperwork to adopt her. We left immediately, and I was crushed and crying.

I spent the next 2 days browsing the internet for dogs to adopt in Minnesota, all the while watching the local shelter webpage to see if Emma was going to move from the "available dogs" column to the "adoption pending" or "recently adopted" column, but she didn't. So I emailed the shelter, and she was still available!!! One woman couldn't take her for a month and the second wanted a running dog and thought that she was too small. So, that Friday afternoon, hours after I received an email that she was still in need of a home, Kon, Fred, Teresa and I went to the shelter, and came home with Emma. She has been fantastic so far. She's only peed in the house once, and that was at my Aunt and Uncle's house (sorry!). She is a snuggler (perfect for me) and a playful, fast runner in the dog park (Kon loves to take her). Anyway, we're excited for everyone to meet her!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Introducing Emma and Judah

It has been a long time since my last update...a lot has happened, but I will just share a brief overview (and some pictures). Sorry to those of you who have checked for updates during this long dry spell. In particular, sorry to Grandma and Grandpa Kessler (pretty sure you have checked more than anyone), and to Nicole as you have watched for pictures of Emma.

Stacy and I returned from MT and Mom's funeral to jump right back into residency stuff. It didn't feel right for quite a while, and it still has its times when things just seem a little off. Stacy came back to cardiac intensive care, while I came back to anesthesia and psychiatry (interesting combo, but it worked well). We each had three weeks of that rotation before starting our next ones.

In October, Stacy was doing neurology, and I worked all night shifts in the emergency department. I moved the guest bed into the basement, so I could sleep in the darkness during the day. The last week of the month I left Stacy home alone (well, almost...more to follow). I went with all of the first year emergency medicine residents (except Niels...also more to follow) to Chicago for an emergency medicine conference. We had a good time there.

Earlier in October--Dad from the 13th and Teresa from the 16th, both through the 20th--my family came to visit. It was so nice to see them. While they were here Teresa helped with decorating our house.This is a picture of our bedroom. If you compare to the earlier bedroom picture you will notice the new lamps and the new rug (thick and cushiony...feels great on bare feet early in the morning). Teresa also helped brain storm a lot of other changes. She will get to help again when they visit around Thanksgiving.

While they were here I also got help from Dad on a couple of house projects. We put some lights in the back porch and moved a couple of light switches among other things. The changes are great, and I would be happy to share them with anyone who chooses to visit us.

Another big change happened while they were visiting. We got a new dog.
Emma is just over one year old. She is half poodle and half cocker spaniel. She may be the sweetest dog I have ever known. Perhaps Stacy will update the blog with a more complete story behind the adoption at a later time. Emma likes to rest with people she you can see that she and Dad get along quite well together.This is Emma at one of the dog parks in town. She thinks it great fun to play with the other dogs and to meet many new people also.Judah Niels Harden was born October 22. Niels (his dad) is one of my emergency medicine co-interns, his wife Karly is a nurse at Mayo, and together they are our best friends in Rochester. We get to see them pretty frequently, but we look forward to spending more time with them in the future. This is Karly and Niels when they visited us the other night for dinner. It was the first time Judah had been over to visit.

Dad and Teresa will be coming in just under 2 weeks. They will be here over Thanksgiving, and I am really looking forward to spending more time with them. Stacy will be working that week, but I have the week off (we each have 3 weeks of vacation this year...2 of our weeks are at the same time, and we each have one week where we are on vacation alone).

That's it for now. We hope to do updates a little more regularly in the coming weeks, but we are making no promises.

God Bless,